Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Save the Earth from Its Near Destruction Essay Example for Free

Save the Earth from Its Near Destruction Essay Human and environment are interconnected. What we do to the earth will return to us also humans. Because of taking things for granted, our environment is undergoing to destruction. This movie, The 11th Hour, serves us an eye-opener to its audience. The root of earth destruction began when trees in forest were cut down. Tree is our main supplier of oxygen and they lessen the carbon dioxide in the environment that makes the earth cool. We are experiencing global warming because we are not a good steward of this earth. Cutting down trees irresponsibly and overfishing are some of the evidence that we abuse the earth. As a result, landslides, strong typhoons and abnormal weather condition are happening to us today. One of the evidence also of earth is the pollutants in the air and water that makes people sick of hard to heal disease such as cancer. We could see this abuse on earth but ironically we are not doing something about it. Yet the worst, we are focusing on economic growth to the point that we disregard the nature. It’s not yet too late to act. Save the earth from its destruction. If not now, when? How will be the life of future generation if we didn’t take the first step to prevent the earth from its future destruction? There are many ways to save the earth like, plant trees and have a self discipline. It’s not yet too late. The clock is not yet striking 12, it’s only the 11th hour.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay --

Akhenaten and Aten Worship As we know historically Egyptian society was complex and very advanced in comparison to other civilizations. With an advanced civilization also came with a very complex religion, with many different gods such as Re, Khepre, Horus, Harakhti and Atum, all of which is depicted as the sun god1. These gods may represent the same thing throughout the ancient Egypt but they differentiated in the inscriptions by different animals1. Though this rich history would drastically change with the ascension of Akhenaten to the royal throne. Within this body of work we will provide the basis to the Amarna period, as well as the foundation to this religious reform. Also we will attempt to understand and provide evidence for this reform and give insight and conclusion based on this evidence. We will touch on the foreign influences that may have been provided from his mother, as well as the drastic eradication of all other religious deities through his reign. The Foundation for Akhenaten To try to get a proper understanding of Akhenaten’s vision of Egypt’s religious reform, we need to understand the foundation that was laid for him. His father Amenhophis III assumed the throne at a great time for Egypt, in which he inherited a state that was very wealthy in which he exploited2. This stability was brought on by Tutmosis IV, the grandfather of Akhenaten, in which he ended years of conflict with the Mitanni kingdom1. The state was being funded by the gold mines of Sudan, as well as tributes from neighbouring lands, while having merchant’s travelling across the Mediterranean2. The young king which was known as the sun-king, married quite young to a commoner Tiy, who was daughter of a prominent foreigner Yuya2. Tiy who ros... depicts him there is quite the exaggeration of his being6. This exaggeration emphasizing his great separation from the ordinary man and his other-worldly almost godly status6. Once assuming the throne of the state, Akhenaten continued the building of the major complex at Karnak6. This complex was not built in the name of the current god Amun, but to Akhenaten’s new solitary god of the sun Aten6. This version of solar worship in which Amenophis IV was that of an elitists views, he went on early in his reign to show his dedication and had the Karnak Temples constructed6. Akhenaten’s devotion to Aten was so strong he cut his ties with the capital of Egypt Memphis, and created a brand new city known in antiquity as Akhetaten6. This new city was completely dedicated to the worship of Aten, and within year 9 of his rule the eradication of the old gods was underway6.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pros and Cons of Self-Study Essay

It has recently come up as a controversial issue whether students should study alone or not. Some people stand for the idea that self-study helps them become more independent. Others point out that this way of learning put them in certain difficulties. This essay will give us a chance to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the issue in more details. On the bright side, the supporters of self-study have a thought that studying alone benefits students in terms of becoming more concentrative as well as more independent. To begin with, it has been proven to be true that self-study helps students find essential silence to get high concentration. As the master of fact, when students study independently, there is no one can disturb them so that they usually focus on their lessons. For example, anyone who study alone at home doesn’t meet friends to talk about irrelevant matters such as an upcoming performance of a rock star that might make students tend to lose their attention. In addition, it is also evident that learners who are self-study, are more independent than others. As far as I am concerned, when nobody can help, it has better to do it myself. For instance, in the face of not understanding their lesson, students learning alone manage to achieve knowledge by themselves through finding source of books in the library or looking up information on the internet. This proves that they are more active in their studying. On the dark side, the opponents of this issue come up with an argument that students are more likely to encounter certain disadvantages when they study independently. These students are not only short of ideas to cope with a big assignment but also find it a bit hard to master their presentation skills without group support. First of all, one’s mind could not think many ideas because of their limited imagination. This causes they always find it difficult to getting on their assignment. To illustrate, if one student could find out three ideas, a group with ten students would increase this figure to thirty. Another point is that learners studying by themselves will probably be lack of presentation skill. Hardly can anybody deny the fact that when learning alone, students cannot practice to present effectively. For example, they do not have anyone who comment or give them advice for their performance. They will not figure out where the problem is to fix it and they have to do everything on their own. In brief, I absolutely agree with the saying: â€Å"every coin has both sides†. Self-study also has its pros and cons. Students should use their way of learning alone as a foundation to launch their group study.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Guide to Navigating in Spanish

There are few things more frustrating while traveling than getting lost  in a foreign place. Fortunately, if you are traveling in an area where Spanish is one of the languages spoken, this list of phrases and words below can help you quickly get to where you are going. Keep This Vocabulary List on Hand Combine the vocabulary listed below with basic grammar and you will be well on your way to getting the help you need. Even if you are not proficient in Spanish, in most places you travel you will find that people will appreciate your desire to use their language. Print out or write down the phrases below so you can communicate with the people around you during your travels.  Ã‚ ¡Buen viaje! (Have a great trip!) Basic Spanish Travel Phrases Where is...? Where are...? —  ¿Dà ³nde està ¡...?  ¿Dà ³nde està ¡n...?How do you go to...? —  ¿Por dà ³nde se va a...? Or,  ¿Cà ³mo puedo llegar a...?Where are we on the map? —  ¿Dà ³nde estamos aquà ­ en el mapa?Is it far away? Is it near here? —  ¿Està ¡ lejos?  ¿Està ¡ por aquà ­?Im looking for... — Busco...Im lost. — Estoy perdido (perdida if you are female). Where can I catch a taxi (a bus)? — Latin America:  ¿Dà ³nde puedo tomar un taxi (un autobà ºs)?  Spain:  ¿Dà ³nde puedo coger un taxi (un autobà ºs)? Note that other terms used regionally for bus include bus, colectivo, camià ³n, camioneta, gà ³ndola, guagua, micro, microbà ºs, and pullman. Be careful with the usage of the verb coger in parts of Latin America, because it can have an obscene meaning.Additional ways of travel could be on foot (a pie), by car (en coche), on a motorbike (la moto), by boat (el barco), and by plane (el avià ³n). More Spanish Speaking Terms When Traveling Write it down, please. — Escrà ­balo, por favor.Speak more slowly, please. — Hà ¡game el favor de hablar mà ¡s despacio.I dont understand Spanish well. — No entiendo bien el espaà ±ol.Is there anyone who speaks English? —  ¿Hay alguien que hable inglà ©s?North, east, west, south — Norte, este or oriente, oeste or occidente, surKilometer, mile, meter — Kilà ³metro, milla, metroStreet, avenue, highway — Calle, avenida, camino, carrera, or carreteraCity block — Cuadra (Latin America) or manzana (Spain)Street corner — EsquinaAddress — Direccià ³n Two Tips for Conversation While Abroad Get specific. Use key terms for places you are going to in your conversations with others. You may want directions to a shopping mall (el centro comercial), general shops (las tiendas) or the grocery market (el mercado). All three can be summed up as shops, but they vary in the type of shop. If you want to explore tourist attractions, detail if you would like to see an art gallery (la galerà ­a de arte), a park (el parque), or a historic center (el casco antiguo).Be friendly. There is nothing that delights locals more than when tourists are courteous and ask for help with a smile. Include basic greetings along with your phrases such as hello (hola or buenas), how are you doing? ( ¿quà © tal?) and good day (good morning is ​buenos dà ­as,  good  afternoon  is buenas tardes, and good evening is buenas noches). Youll score extra points if you adopt to local variations, such as buen dà ­a used in some countries rather than the more common buenos dà ­as. Using Addresses You should be aware the structure of street addresses can vary widely from country to country. Consult a thorough tourist guide before you travel to become familiar with local practices. In many cases, understanding addresses will be easier than it might seem at first. For example, one of the most popular museums in Bogotà ¡, Colombia, is el Museo del Oro (Gold Museum) at Cra. 6 #15-88, which initially might seem like a jumble of characters. But Cra. 6 indicates that is on Carerra 6, which we might call 6th Avenue in English. The 15 is the street name (Calle 15), and the 88 indicates the distance from the intersection of that avenue and street. Unfortunately for the traveler, easy-to-understand addressing conventions arent used everywhere, and not all streets are named. In Costa Rica, for example, you may run across addresses such as 200 metros al oeste de la escuela Fernà ¡ndez, indicating a location 200 meters west of the Fernandez school.